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A Wedding in the Untamed North

Carrie and I spent the Labor Day weekend up in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, to attend the wedding of Florence and Marty. Florence is an old friend of ours from our Carnegie Mellon days (are we old enough to have old friends? The answer, apparently, is yes). We met Marty for the first time this weekend, and it was wonderful to see how how well they were matched for each other.

Florence and Marty's Wedding

Florence and Marty's Wedding

I was incredibly charmed by the children attending, especially this young stinker:

Florence and Marty's Wedding

Carrie generally ran around being awesome and making things go, but she also engaged in some craftiness, making the table runner for the head table:

The Table Runner Carrie made

Some detail:

The Table Runner Carrie made

One small bit of trivia: the bride & groom met playing boardgames, and the groom is a big boardgame geek. So he designed a game as part of the party favors for the guests to take home:

Wedding Decorations


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