"an ology for the new millenium"
eric's pictures

Thanksgiving Vacation 2000

01 Devilish Eggs

02 Post-dinner hanging out

03 Some of the family

04 Mom and the cute cat

05 The house and the play area

06 A large porch and a small cat

07 The house

08 The forest behind the house

09 The garage and the barn

10 An apple tree

11 The barn

12 Hayloft... of danger

13 Farming equipment

14 Dog and cow

15 A tree I used to climb

16 Where the old barn used to be

17 More of the apple trees

18 More apple trees

19 Tree, post-fort

20 Tree, post-fort 2

21 Tree, post-fort 3

22 Another view of the house

23 Closeup on house

24 Those darn cats

25 Yet more cat pictures

26 Chris and the kitties

27 He looked so normal!

28 A giant chicken

29 Michael

30 Michael and Darla

31 Michael and Ryan

32 Time-saving modern science

33 The LAN party

34 A unique instrument

35 Trebuchet web sites

36 Trebuchet!

37 The motion detector

38 A science experiment

39 Cool looking flask

40 Tiltons at windmills

41 Earthquake-proof

42 Mt. Hood

43 A cunning disguise

44 Llamas

45 More llamas

46 From the airplane


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