Updated: 7/3/03; 10:40:01 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Sunday, June 8, 2003

I confess that when I read Pattern Recognition, I first thought that the Cube was a Gamecube, which coincidentally also contains a PowerPC processor and an ATI video card.

Once I realized my mistake, I was again consumed with longing for a Cube that would do nothing but symbolically lounge about looking fetching, serving up MP3s and other required files to the hoi-polloi laptops.  9:54:03 PM  (comments []  

I think the Six Dollar Burger from Carl's Jr. may be the finest food product that can be handed through one's car window for one to eat. It's probably all for the best that I can only get one when on the west coast.  9:42:49 PM  (comments []  

June 2003
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Last update: 7/3/03; 10:40:01 AM.