Updated: 6/2/04; 4:38:51 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, May 17, 2004

We finally saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and oh my god it was brilliant. I mean, I thought Charlie Kauffman's earlier stuff was wacky and interesting, but this was freaking pitch-perfect. I especially enjoyed the use of photographic effects (and in some cases, subtle digital effects made to look like photographic effects) to enhance the narrative. Wow. Wow.  11:11:39 PM  (comments []  

Carrie and I attended the March for Marriage Rights yesterday; here's some imagery:

Also, today we saw the start of same sex marriage in Massachussets.  10:53:05 PM  (comments []  

A story from the New York Times about how clever, evil bastards are using PayPal and dupes from Monster.com to launder money..  10:33:20 PM  (comments []  

Carrie asks me to pass along this petition to get Justice Scalia to recuse himself from the Cheney case.  10:32:19 PM  (comments []  

Apple is running the Present Your Passion with Keynote contest until June 27th. I can't enter, but I look forward to seeing what kinds of fascinating things people are doing with our baby.  10:31:12 PM  (comments []  

Things not worth doing
  • Sending your XBox to Microsoft for repair.

My XBox got returned today. Except, of course, it's not my XBox. I had some pollyanna-like idea that they might replace the drive unit and maintain the integrity of my hard drive's contents. Instead, they sent me a fresh box. With all of my saved games and XBox Live account info evaporated like so much morning dew. Despite the fact that it WASN'T A HARD DRIVE FAILURE.

Those absolute pig-<mumble>ers. I am officially through with technology getting uppity with me; it's going to be a strict regime of oppression around here from now on, I can tell you.


The cruel irony of it all is that this whole experience cost me almost as much as a new XBox, plus I -- wait for it -- had NO XBOX for a week.  2:48:54 PM  (comments []  

May 2004
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Last update: 6/2/04; 4:38:51 PM.