Updated: 12/4/02; 11:23:10 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Saturday, November 23, 2002

At long last, my HP LaserJet 3200 and my PowerBook have decided to kiss and make up. I didn't realize it when I ordered it in May 2001, but I had needed the 3200M -- the PostScript model -- because HP didn't supply Mac printer drivers for the others. This frankly made no sense in the OS X universe, but I was stuck anyway.

Jaguar (OS X 10.2) introduced a new printing architecture, based on CUPS (the Common Unix Printing System). And it turns out that there's a great open source project -- the unfortunately named Gimp-Print -- developing printer drivers that work with CUPS, and that they support my laser printer. The install was painless, and it was easy to share the printer over the network once my own laptop recognized it. I'd been relying on a slow little Epson Stylus 777 for my Mac printing needs, so this is freaking awesome. Go go gadget gimp-print! And let's hear it for open source and open standards -- for once, I wasn't at the mercy of the hardware manufacturer's marketing priorities.  1:14:49 AM  (comments []  

Tired, tired, tired. Tired of traveling, mostly -- earlier this month, I was out in Cupertino, only to come back and have eight hours rest before we drove up to Dallas. I got to be home for a week, and then went to Pittsburgh. On my way home, yesterday, I narrowly averted being stuck in Chicago, and eventually made my weary way home. The travel was good -- got good stuff done, saw friends, and ate well -- but I need to hibernate in my cave. And give my brain a chance to settle down. And sleep in my own bed.

Hopefully no travel now until San Francisco in January. The race is almost won; the prize, as always, is to get to run it again.  1:07:16 AM  (comments []  

November 2002
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Last update: 12/4/02; 11:23:10 PM.