Updated: 5/1/03; 10:37:25 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Recycle your old computer parts!

Skye forwarded on a link to the Dell Recycling Tour, wherein Dell steps up to the plate and gives people a way to responsibly dispose of old computer parts. Old computers (and new computers, as well) are full of nasty toxic crap that you can't just throw away. The three remaining events are April 19th, in Portland, OR; April 22nd, in Round Rock, TX; and April 27th, in Austin, TX.

Dell also offers a recycling service, although you do have to pay for the cost of shipping and recycling. But it's better than tossing it out with the trash.

There is another option, if your old computer is still functional, which is to donate it. Some cities (like Austin) have computer donation centers; Austin, for example, has a Goodwill specifically devoted to it. (Here's a list of U.S. computer recycling programs, broken down by state.)  6:27:30 PM  (comments []  

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