Updated: 9/6/04; 9:59:30 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I came back to 15 bugs (down to 7 right now, but as always, the hard stuff drifts to the bottom) so it may be a few days before you see more from Edmonton. I did a bunch of culling on the plane, but I'm only up to the day two performers. Which was impressive, considering the assault my knees took from the evil evil person sitting in front of me, and the extremely cramped aisle I was in.

I had my first Bollywood experience last night; Lagaan was playing at the Paramount. FOUR HOURS baby, but totally fun. I was nervous about the length, but got completely sucked in. It's entirely possible I could even explain cricket to somebody now.

P.S. Confidential to PB; the time now is for sympathy, not mocking, since I'm still getting random game failures (usually the game aborts after 15 minutes or so, which is especially frustrating in City of Heroes). It doesn't blue screen... the game just... quits. !?!?!? I have updated the wazoo out of drivers etc and still have pain. How do you check the console on a PC? Why oh why did I not just by a pre-built system!? Still, Doom 3 is terrifying and incredible in the ten minute increments I play it in. The terror is heightened by my low-level of dread of the machine itself that I play the game on.  11:07:29 AM  (comments []  

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Last update: 9/6/04; 9:59:30 PM.