Updated: 4/2/04; 10:55:43 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, March 4, 2004

Robo-talk helps pocket translator [BBC]. "Small robots with friendly faces have helped out in the development of handheld translation gadgets to be tried out by travellers in Japan."

Speech recognition is one of those notorious black holes of processing and cleverness, but still: lookit! The future!

If I wasn't so worried about torching my heinie, I'd be demanding jetpacks while I was at it.  1:38:04 PM  (comments []  

No, I'm all for science, I'm against having to bow before my robotic shark masters.  10:44:31 AM  (comments []  

The Ninja Way

Ninja Gaiden is just chock full of, how do you say, real ultimate power. I mean, sure, the gameplay is great (punishing, but great). The visual style is incredible. But what really makes the game is the clear, over-the-top sense of the kind of crazy shit ninjas would be doing.

Case in point: near the end of the third level, there's a ladder that leads outside of the airship. When you try to climb the ladder, it takes you all the way up to the hatch, which you discover is locked. There's a clearly obvious sidechannel about halfway up the ladder, but can you get to it by going only halfway up the ladder and stepping off?

Oh NO young grasshopper.

That's what doing three consecutive backflips off the sides of the walls is for.  10:26:44 AM  (comments []  

March 2004
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